StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking community. the idea behind social bookmarking is simple: instead of bookmarking webpages you prefer so that you access them through your browser and only you see them, you instead bookmark them (or like them or whatever) to an internet site like StumbleUpon.
This still preserves the bookmark for you, but it additionally permits others to check what you discover attention-grabbing.
When you sign up for StumbleUpon, you create a profile and establish certain categories that interest you. as an example, you might choose "science" or "writing." you may even be able to find your friends and follow them, much like you are doing on Facebook or Twitter. Following your friends allows you to see what pages they bookmarked.
What makes StumbleUpon thus attention-grabbing is that the "stumble" feature at its core. once you head to the main page, you will see a bar at the top that features a "stumble" button, still as alternative typical social media icons, like likes and comments. If you've started your interests, you'll "stumble" through them, that allows you to browse the net according to specific categories.
Some of the webpages you will browse are categorized by StumbleUpon, but many of the pages you will see are ones that alternative users have bookmarked. In fact, once you observe a page that's someone's bookmark, the toolbar at the top will show you a user name, that you'll click to check additional of that person's bookmarked pages or to follow that person.
Certain standard websites, like Mashable or FunnyorDie, have their own StumbleUpon channels, that permits you to flick thru their website. this is often a fast and easy way to sift through your favorite sites and still share them with your friends.
You're not limited to sharing your favorite sites only on your profile page. The toolbar additionally gives you the facility to share the page directly on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
For bloggers and businesses, the site's submission feature permits you to directly submit your webpages to the community mutually of your bookmarks. With several guests everyday, StumbleUpon is a powerful medium for promoting your brand, and it doesn't offer identical penalties as alternative social bookmarking sites. (Reddit, as an example, will block you from submitting new pages if you are only submitting your own.)
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