The article is so god that once you put it out
there you are going to get mad traffic. My fellow online entrepreneurs we all
would love to have insane amount of traffic coming to our blogs or websites
just by dropping a post or article on your blog or website.
I have read many articles and posts from a lot
of places that talk about getting traffic to my blog. Promoting Your
Articles by themselves cannot get you traffic.
You will need to add your articles to article directories like the one this
article is in now. Putting your articles in sites like this one can get your
articles seen and as well as give you a decent page rank. Also another thing
when writing your articles always try to have some keywords in it so that
Google can read what your article is about.
What is Social
I'm going to write this as laymen as possible
Social Networking is a great way to get your article seen and read you do this
by adding your articles or post to social media sites like face book, MySpace
Once the users of these sites come across your
articles or post and they read it and like what they read they will click on
"Like" if you are on face book or click on the link and go read your
article at your site bringing traffic to your blog or website.
Benefits of Social
The benefit of using social networking is if
your article is good you will begin to get referral traffic from those social
sites. At times referral traffic may come within an hour like it happened to
me. I was bombarded with referral traffic so it does work this helps get your
sites to be ranked by Google or any other popular search engines
Top Social Sites:
The top social sites are where you need to add
your articles to. As you can see this is just one way for you to promote your
articles and get some referral traffic. From here you could learn another way
of getting traffic.
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